
★★2009第十一屆台北電影節圓滿落幕!精彩畫面請到相簿瞧一瞧 !(點這邊)★★


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《媽咪去洗頭》Mommy is at the Hairdresser's   

媽咪去洗頭 Mommy is at the Hairdresser's  trailerbar2.jpg

蕾雅普爾 Léa POOL

2008 / Canada / 35mm / Color / 97min

2008 釜山影展 / 2009 鹿特丹影展


It’s summer 1966. Time to enjoy summer vacation, total freedom, running wild in the fields, and crazy giggles with friends. Bust as she becomes more aware of the dreams, Elise sees her mother’s sudden abandonment thoroughly disrupt her family. While her brother, Coco, stubbornly seeks refuge in constructing a super car, the youngest, Benoît, plummets deep into his own internal world, retreating even further in the furnace room. As for her father, he is simply overwhelmed by the situation…

7/02() 新二 22.00

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《大世界小女兵》Little Soldier 

大世界小女兵 Little Soldier  trailerbar2.jpg

安妮特歐森 Annette K. Olesen

2008 / Denmark / 35mm / Color / 100min



After another mission abroad, the young female soldier, Lotte returns home, disillusioned with life. All her life, she has wanted attention from her father. But he offers her a job as a chauffeur for his Nigerian girlfriend, Lily. Reluctant at first, a new bizarre everyday begins and slowly the two women get to know each other. Lotte learns that Lily is working as a prostitute to support her little girl back in Nigeria, and things take an unexpected turn.

6/27() 中山 16.00

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《蕾拉過生日》Laila's Birthday 

蕾拉過生日 Laila's Birthday  trailerbar2.jpg

拉希德馬什拉維 Rashid Masharawi

2008 / Netherlands, Palestine, Tunisia, / 35mm / Color / 72min

2008多倫多影展 / 2008倫敦電影節


Abu Laila used to be a judge, but now he needs to find another job because the government doesn’t have the means to pay him anymore. Driving the vehicle he borrows - a taxi, Abu has to complete today’s missions, getting to a law firm to request an offer and bringing back a birthday cake for his daughter, Laila, who turns ten years old today. However, turning into a taxi driver in Palestine is not what Abu expects…

6/26() 新二 19.30

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盲劍 Ichi  trailerbar2.jpg

曾利文彥 Fumihiko Sori

2008 / Japan / 35mm / Color / 120min

2008 日刊體育報最佳女主角獎 / 2008 加泰隆尼亞影展最佳亞洲電影


Ichi, a Japanese minstrel, is on a journey to search for the man who brought her up. People try to take advantage of the fact that she is blind, but Ichi fights back with her unusual skills of swords inside her walking stick. An incident brings her to meet Toma, who tries to save Ichi from a fight but ends up being saved by Ichi instead. The two start to travel together and come upon a village led by the inhuman heartless Banki…

6/29() 新二 13.30 ★ ▲

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《漂丿男子漢2》Crows Zero II 

漂丿男子漢2 Crows Zero II  trailerbar2.jpg

三池崇史 Takashi Miike

2009 / Japan / 35mm / Color / 133min


Genji and his victorious G.P.S. alliance find themselves facing a new challenge by the students of Hosen Academy. The two schools, in fact, have a history of bad blood between them. Now, the simmering hatred is about to flare up again. Mobilizing around a new leader, Narumi Taiga, Hosen Academy prepares to re-open old wounds with an all-out assault on Suzuran High School.

6/27() 新三 21.30

6/29() 新三 19.00

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《人骨旅店》The Bone Man  

人骨旅店 The Bone Man  trailerbar2.jpg

沃夫岡曼寧伯格 Wolfgang Murnberger

2008 / Austria / 35mm / Color / 121min



A man called Horvath has vanished. The last leasing instalment for his car has not been paid. Reluctantly, Brenner agrees to a request from his old friend Berti’s task of bringing back Horvath‘s vehicle. The trip leads him straight to the Löschenkohl, a country restaurant with a fine reputation for roast chicken. The only sign of Horvath that Brenner finds is a glimpse of his leased car – which soon vanishes without a trace…

7/05() 中山 16.30

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凱薩琳布蕾亞之藍鬍子 Bluebeard

凱薩琳布蕾 Catherine Breillat

2009 / France / Digibeta / Color / 80min



Fairy tales often have main characters who are sort of serial killers: in other words, ogres. But Bluebeard is its symbolic figure. In the 1950s, it was Catherine’s favorite tale when she fantasizes about being Princess Marie-Catherine, Bluebeard’s last wife. She manages to escape the fate of all those he hung before her because she is the virgin princess that the ogre cannot make up his mind to kill. This hesitation spells fatal doom for the ogre.

6/26() 新三 22.40

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貝拉米犯罪事件簿 Bellamy  trailerbar2.jpg

克勞德夏布洛 Claude Chabrol

2008 / France / 35mm / Color / 110min



Police chief Paul Bellamy spends his vacation at the family estate of his wife Francoise, despite her dreams of sailing the seven seas on a cruise ship. And this year, he has two excuses to stay put: the unexpected arrival of his half-brother Jacques, a rambling fellow with a drinking problem, and a man on the run who shows up, demanding Bellamy’s protection. Paul ends up giving them much of his time and efforts…

6/29() 中山 13.30

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《幸福的彼端》All Around Us 

幸福的彼端 All Around Us  trailerbar2.jpg  

橋口亮輔 Ryosuke Hashiguchi

2008 / Japan / 35mm / Color / 140min

2008 多倫多影展 / 2009 柏林影展 / 2009 日本藍絲帶獎最佳女主角、最佳新人

法庭裡描繪犯人圖像的畫家,每天要面對偵查庭中的無情嫌犯,回到家又得面對精神崩潰的妻子,夫妻兩人歷經彼此的創痛,在相互扶持之中,重燃光明與希望。《20歲的微熱》導演橋口亮輔,結合初登大銀幕的木村多江,與《東京鐵塔:老媽和我,有時還有老爸》作者Lily Franky,以橫跨日本十年間的社會變遷與家庭深情,帶給你前所未有的感動。

Kanao, a courtroom portrait artist, silently observes the highest profile crimes and scandals of the 1990s and the decline of Japanese values. At home in joys of marriage, he quietly observes his wife’s first pregnancy. When their child dies, the couple is shaken by the tragedy but Kanao manages to stand by his wife as she sinks into depression. He calmly guides her towards recovery during this grueling experience. As they endure, hope slowly unfolds and their love story flickers to life once again.

6/30() 中山 19.30 ★ ▲(導演或影人出席映前或映後座談)(非英語發音且無英文字幕)

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愛慕拼圖 Adoration  trailerbar2.jpg

艾騰伊格言 Atom Egoyan

2008 / Canada / 35mm / Color / 100min

2008 坎城影展天主教人道精神獎 / 2008 多倫多影展 / 2009 香港電影節


The film speaks to our connections---with each other, with our family history, with technology and with the modern world. Simon, a high school student, re-imagines that a news item is his family's story, with the terrorist standing in for his dead father. As he uses his new persona to participate in the virtual communities on the Internet, it triggers an avalanche of public attention. Sabine, the school teacher, is determined to find out the truth...

6/27() 中山 11.00

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