
★★2009第十一屆台北電影節圓滿落幕!精彩畫面請到相簿瞧一瞧 !(點這邊)★★


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目前分類:焦點導演 (7)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要


一七五紀事 Paragraph 175  trailerbar2.jpg

勞勃‧伊普斯汀 Rob EPSTEIN, 傑佛瑞‧佛瑞德曼 Jeffrey Friedman

2000 / USA / Digibeta / B&W, Color / 72min

2000 柏林影展泰迪熊獎、費比西獎 / 2000 日舞影展最佳導演


By the 1920s, Berlin was a gay Eden - until Hitler came to power. Adopting a rigid "pro-family" policy, the Nazis dusted off and expanded Paragraph 175, an arcane 1871 law outlawing sodomy, drove the thriving gay sub-culture underground, and soon began sending known - or suspected - homosexual men to concentration camps, where they were identified by pink triangles. Paragraph 175 features elderly homosexuals who describe their experiences during the Nazi era – and reveal the hidden chapter of history.

7/07(二) 新三 21.00

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電影中的同志 The Celluloid Closet

勞勃‧伊普斯汀 Rob EPSTEIN, 傑佛瑞‧佛瑞德曼 Jeffrey Friedman

1995 / USA / Digibeta / B&W, Color / 102min

1996 柏林影展泰迪熊獎 / 1996 日舞影展言論自由獎


One of the classic documentaries, based on Vito Russo's groundbreaking book, here is a riveting and entertaining look at the history of Hollywood and homosexuality - from comic sissies to lesbian vampires, from pathetic queens to sadistic predators, from the good to the bad. With over a hundred film clips of Hollywood classics - including Spartacus, Rope and Thelma and Louise - and many priceless anecdotes by Tom Hanks, Shirley MacLaine, Susan Sarandon, Whoopi Goldberg, Tony Curtis and Gore Vidal.

6/29(一) 新三 11.00

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人人手中線:愛滋拼布的故事 Common Threads: Stories from the Quilt

勞勃‧伊普斯汀 Rob EPSTEIN, 傑佛瑞‧佛瑞德曼 Jeffrey Friedman

1989 / USA / Digibeta / Color / 79min

1990 奧斯卡最佳紀錄片 / 1990 柏林影展Interfilm大獎


In the late 1970s, a mysterious disease began infecting and killing gay men. Here is the story of the first decade of the AIDS, as told through the lives of five diverse individuals who shared a common fate. Using the monumental AIDS Memorial Quilt as its central metaphor, the film weaves together personal memories and news stories to expose the U.S. government’s failure to respond to the growing epidemic, and the vibrant protest movement that was born as a result.

6/30(二) 新三 21.00

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《哈維米克的時代:邁向自由大道》The Times of Harvey Milk   

哈維米克的時代:邁向自由大道 The Times of Harvey Milk

勞勃‧伊普斯汀 Rob EPSTEIN

1984 / USA / Digibeta / Color / 87min

1985 奧斯卡最佳紀錄片 / 1985 日舞影展評審特別獎 / 1985 國際紀錄片協會最佳記錄片


Vividly recalling the tumultuous political and social climate of San Francisco in the 70s, The Times of Harvey Milk builds a brilliant, gripping portrait of what was really lost when San Francisco City Counselor Harvey Milk and Mayor George Moscone were brutally murdered by fellow Counselor Dan White in November 1978. Spellbinding and intensely moving from start to finish, from the eloquent candle-light memorial joined on the evening, to the angry mobs in the aftermath of the lenient sentence.

7/04(六) 新三 21.10

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圖班嫁給我 Tulpan  trailerbar2.jpg

賽吉‧德沃茲佛 Sergey Dvortsevoy

2008 / Germany, Kazakhstan, Poland, Russia, Switzerland / 35mm / Color / 100min

2008 坎城影展一種注目單元大獎 / 2008 東京影展最佳影片


After completing his naval service, young Asa travels back to Kazakh steppe where his sister and her husband lead a nomadic life. To start his new life as a shepherd, Asa must get married first. His only hope for marriage on the deserted steppe is Tulpan, who unfortunately doesn’t return his affection simply because he has big ears. Determined to fulfill his ideal life, Asa decides to continue with the pursuit of his dream.

7/05(日) 新二 13.30 (非英語發音且無英文字幕)

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雜耍家族 Highway

賽吉‧德沃茲佛 Sergey Dvortsevoy

1999 / France, Germany, Kazakhstan / 35mm / Color / 54min

1999 法國馬賽紀錄片影展大獎


A circus family travels on the highway in a shabby mini-bus. Stopping here and there to perform in front of a handful of villagers. With the barren Kazakh steppes in the background, the children lift a giant steel ball with their teeth, lie down on a bed of glass and perform acrobatics. A baby eagle, found in the grass, becomes their mascot. In the most surreal of scenes, they fall asleep to their mother’s lullaby, as the eagle looms over them contentedly.

7/03(五) 中山14.00

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麵包來的日子 Bread Day

賽吉‧德沃茲佛 Sergey Dvortsevoy

1998 / Russia / 35mm / Color / 55min

1998 德國萊比錫國際紀錄片金鴿獎 / 1998 台灣國際紀錄片雙年展評審團特別獎 / 1999 波蘭克拉科紀錄片評審團大獎


Once a week, Tuesday is a bread day. A wagon with loaves of bread is pushed by the locals into a village along the bumpy railway track. Once the bread goes on sale, endless difficulties arise. Nobody receives the amount of bread he expects and complaints are everywhere. However, when the wagon has to head back to the branch line for the locomotive to pick up, the villagers recover into solidarity and push the heavy wagon together.

7/03(五) 中山 14.00

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