麵包來的日子 Bread Day
賽吉‧德沃茲佛 Sergey Dvortsevoy
1998 / Russia / 35mm / Color / 55min
1998 德國萊比錫國際紀錄片金鴿獎 / 1998 台灣國際紀錄片雙年展評審團特別獎 / 1999 波蘭克拉科紀錄片評審團大獎
Once a week, Tuesday is a bread day. A wagon with loaves of bread is pushed by the locals into a village along the bumpy railway track. Once the bread goes on sale, endless difficulties arise. Nobody receives the amount of bread he expects and complaints are everywhere. However, when the wagon has to head back to the branch line for the locomotive to pick up, the villagers recover into solidarity and push the heavy wagon together.
7/03(五) 中山 14.00
7/09(四) 中山 14.00