
★★2009第十一屆台北電影節圓滿落幕!精彩畫面請到相簿瞧一瞧 !(點這邊)★★


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靠岸 Port of Return  trailerbar2.jpg

張榮貴 Chang Jung-kuei

2009 / Taiwan / Digibeta / Color / 90min


Frostlight awaits her lover, Westwind, at the port. Right before the ship sets sail, a war breaks out. Separating the two at the docks, Frostlight quickly boards a mysterious ship and departs on a perilous and fantastic journey. This strange ship carries a cast of helpless and tormented souls, drifting through a mysterious space. Fearing that the evil Asura will strike the ship and steal the souls, Frostlight, against her selfish nature, makes the ultimate sacrifice.

7/04() 新二 19.30 ★(導演或影人出席映前或映後座談)

7/06() 新二 13.30 ★(導演或影人出席映前或映後座談)

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帶我去遠方 Somewhere I Have Never Travelled  trailerbar2.jpg

傅天余 FU Tien-yu

2009 / Taiwan / 35mm / Color / 96min

2009 香港電影節


Guei is a 15-year-old color-blind girl. She admires her cousin Xian. Xian has a world map and a whole bookshelf of traveling guides. He often takes Guei on imaginary journeys to a world full of wonders. They guard the secrets for each other and plan to get out of here someday, leaving for a place without loneliness or alienation. The future is a place untrodden, and their Utopia lies at the other end of the horizon. Will they get there at last?

6/27() 新二 13.00 (導演或影人出席映前或映後座談)

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停車 Parking  trailerbar2.jpg

鍾孟宏 CHUNG Mong-hong

2008 / Taiwan / 35mm / Color / 106min

2008 坎城影展一種注目單元/2008 釜山影展/2008 香港亞洲電影節亞洲新導演獎、觀眾票選最喜愛獎

《醫生》導演鍾孟宏的首部劇情長片母親節傍晚陳莫和妻子約好回家吃晚餐想藉此拉近他們疏遠的情感。陳莫在回家途中停車去買蛋糕沒想到車子卻被違規停車擋住出路。他試圖尋找車主闖入一棟陳舊的老公寓 一個光怪陸離的夜晚就此展開。他遇到死刑犯的家人、討債公司、金盆洗手的大哥、賣淫集團等等,一直到天亮,他都還回不了家。

On Mother's Day in Taipei, Chen-Mo makes a date for dinner with his wife, hoping to bring their estranged relationship back together. While buying a cake on his way home, a car unexpectedly double parks next to his car, preventing his exit. For the entire night, Chen-Mo searches the floors of a nearby apartment building for the owner of the illegally parked car, and encounters a succession of strange events and eccentric characters.

7/01() 中山 14.00

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渺渺 Miao Miao  trailerbar2.jpg

程孝澤 CHENG Hsiao-tse

2008 / HK / 35mm / Color / 82min

2008 釜山影展 / 2008 香港亞洲電影節開幕片 / 2009 柏林影展 Generation 14plus 競賽單元


Miao Miao is a shy and self-contained exchange student from Japan. One of her classmates Ai becomes her best friend before she’s used to this busy city. But Miao Miao and Ai are completely different in every way. Miao Miao meets the owner of a CD shop named Chen Fei and admires him secretly. But he’s stuck in his tragic past and refuses to let anyone into his heart. That’s when Miao Miao decides to go back to Japan…

7/08() 新二 21.30 (導演或影人出席映前或映後座談)

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查無此人 Finding Her  trailerbar2.jpg

鄭芬芬 Cheng Feng-feng

2008 / Taiwan / Digibeta / Color / 92min


A postman in search of the receiver of a mail with no address, learns that it’s the under-age prostitute Lin and that he’s the one who opens the door to death for her. An unhappy high school girl, Fang, is suspected by everybody because she didn’t answer the last call of her best friend Coco before committing suicide. To everyone’s surprise, Lin and Coco turn out to be the same girl. Now the mail has its correct address…

7/03() 新三 15.30 (導演或影人出席映前或映後座談)

7/06() 新三 15.30 (導演或影人出席映前或映後座談)

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不能沒有你 No Puedo Vivir Sin Ti  trailerbar2.jpg

戴立忍 Leon Ta

2009 / Taiwan / 35mm / B&W / 92min

2009 鹿特丹影展競賽單元 / 2009香港電影節


Li Wu-hsiung is a middle-aged man from a fishing village in southern Taiwan. Seven years ago, his girlfriend disappeared after giving birth to their daughter, Mei. When Mei is old enough to go to primary school, he finds out that his ex-girlfriend was married to someone else years ago, which makes her and her lawful husband the legal guardians of Mei. Terrified that Mei will be taken away from him, Li climbs over one of the city’s busiest intersections and threatens to jump…

7/08() 新二 13.30 (導演或影人出席映前或映後座談)

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一席之地 A Place of One`s Own  trailerbar2.jpg

樓一安 LOU Yi-an

2009 / HK, Taiwan / 35mm / Color / 118min

2009 香港電影節


Mozi, a small-time rock singer, writes a song for his girlfriend Kasey, but dies before she gets it. Their first song predicts the end of the relationship. A gifted craftsman dies of cancer after he completes a luxurious origami villa. His tomb-sweeper wife is told by a “dead client” where to get a large amount of money, but she gives it away out of impulse. These two sets of characters are brought together by a young man, starting a series of chain effects…

7/04() 中山 19.30 (導演或影人出席映前或映後座談)

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遺落的玻璃珠 "AYU"

賴俊羽 Lai Chunyu

2009 / Taiwan / Digibeta / Color / 73min


Ayu is a 16-year-old high school girl. She wakes up one day to find herself in Alice’s wonderland. All the things familiar to her are gone and turned into something else. Only a lonely old man is willing to talk to her, offering her food and shelter. The old man gives her all his love and care, but he is gradually overwhelmed by desperation because no one shares the burden with him. Finally, Ayu realizes it’s herself that she has lost…

6/26() 新三 15.40 (導演或影人出席映前或映後座談)售完!

7/09() 新三 12.30 (導演或影人出席映前或映後座談)售完!

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在世界轉角遇見愛 The World is Big and Salvation Lurks Around the Corner  trailerbar2.jpg

史帝芬.柯曼達瑞夫 Stephan Komandarev

2008 / Bulgaria, Germany, Hungary, Slovenia / 35mm / Color / 105min

2008 蘇黎世影展觀眾票選最佳影片 / 2008 華沙國際影展評審團特別獎 / 2008 保加利亞蘇菲亞影展最佳本國影片、觀眾票選最佳影片


After a car accident, Alex can't even remember his name. In an attempt to cure him from amnesia, his Bulgarian grandfather Bai Dan organizes a spiritual journey for his grandson, back into his past, to the country where he came from. While traveling across time and place and crossing half of Europe, they play backgammon, the simplest, and yet the most complex of all games. This game leads Alex to recall who he is, and that backgammon is the key to his backstory.

6/30(二) 中山 16.00 ★

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找一張床 Unmade Beds  trailerbar2.jpg

亞歷克‧多斯.桑度斯 Alexis Dos Santos

2008 / UK / 35mm / Color / 93min

2009 柏林影展 Generation 14plus競賽單元 / 2009 日舞影展國際競賽單元


Axl wants to find his long-lost father and rediscover his past. Vera just wants to forget hers and move on from a recent heartbreak. Their stories interweave as they take up residence in a vibrant, sprawling squat in the melting pot of London’s hip East End. Although they live in the same warehouse and their stories cross repeatedly, Axl and Vera never actually meet. Playful, sexy and romantic, Unmade Beds is the second film from acclaimed director Alexis Dos Santos.

6/29(一) 中山 19.30 ★(導演或影人出席映前或映後座談)

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