流离 Floating In Memory
彭韜 PENG Tao
2009 / China / Digibeta / Color / 107min
2009 鹿特丹影展競賽單元 / 2009 布拉格國際電影節
Xiu,17 , comes to a small town to work from her home in distant mountains. She meets Jinqiang in a disco pub. They get closer than they should be. But she never expects Jinqiang to be a pimp who seduces underage girls to be prostitutes to make money for him. And Xiu is Jinqiang’s new target. When Xiu is pregnant, Jinqiang is nowhere to be found. The owners of a shoe shop give her money to keep her baby for them to adopt…
7/01(三) 新三 19.00 ★(導演或影人出席映前或映後座談)
7/03(五) 新三 18.00 ★(導演或影人出席映前或映後座談)