尋情歷險記 Let's fall in love
吳汰紝 Wuna WU
2008 / Taiwan / 35mm / Color / 90min
2008 台灣國際紀錄片雙年展競賽單元 / 2009 新加坡影展
In our contemporary society, pervaded by desperate loneliness, it seems almost impossible to live with one specific person for your whole life. But how does a modern matchmaker expand her business in such a context? Is marriage a disaster? Why do the single try so hard to plunge into it, while the married ones want to break out of it? You cannot have everything you want, but we know that marketing is the best way to sell anything.
7/09(四) 新二 15.30 ★(導演或影人出席映前或映後座談)