控訴風暴 Storm
漢斯.史密德 Hans-Christian Schmid
2009 / Germany / 35mm / Color / 105min
2009 柏林影展競賽單元 / 2009 柏林影展國際特赦組織電影獎
一位國際法庭檢察官主導一件南斯拉夫軍官在波西尼亞戰爭期間犯下的集體強暴案,她費盡心力說服一名受害人出席聽證會,也相信自己可以滴水不漏地保護證人,結果不僅遇到被告積極防衛,更讓她意外的是,最大的背叛來自西方的姑息心態。《靈界線》(Requiem) 導演漢斯.史密德最新作品,由《四月三週又兩天》女主角安娜瑪麗亞.瑪琳卡擔綱演出。
Hannah Maynard, a prosecutor at The Tribunal in The Hague manages to convince a young Bosnian woman to testify against an alleged war criminal. Amidst the inconsistency of political interests and threats coming from Bosnian Serb nationalists, she realizes that her opponents not only sit on the dock across from her, but are also found in her own ranks. Hannah faces the trial of her life, all of a sudden torn between her strong beliefs in the system and her loyalty towards the witness.
6/28(日) 新二 12.50
7/11(六) 中山 14.00