
心的居所 The State I am in

克里斯汀.培周 Christian Petzold

2000 / Germany / 35mm / Color / 100min

2000 威尼斯影展 / 2001 柏林影展 / 2001 德國電影獎最佳劇情長片金獎


15-year-old Jeanne, a teenager yearning to live an ordinary life, go to school, have friends and fall in love, has been on the run with her parents, former German terrorists Clara and Hans, since she was born. The family is just about to establish a new and legal identity for all three of them in Brazil when a tiny mistake causes their delicate world to fall apart again.

7/02(四) 新三 11.00

7/03(五) 新三 13.20


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