陽台前的夏天 Summer in Berlin
安卓‧爵森 Andreas Dresen
2005 / Germany / 35mm / Color / 107min
2005 芝加哥影展銀雨果獎最佳女主角 / 2006 巴伐利亞電影獎最佳導演
One hot summer. Nike has a balcony, Katrin has a son, Ronald drives a truck, Tina's a waitress, Oskar and Helene are old and alone. At the beginning, middle or end of their lives – they all ask the same question: Can love last through the seasons? Or is it something affecting the brain that just comes and goes? An enchanting comedy, full of human warmth, sincerity and delightful humor - a film about life.
6/27(六) 新二 10.30 ▲(非英語發音且無英文字幕)
7/07(二) 新二 15.30 ▲(非英語發音且無英文字幕)