德國09 Germany 09
法提.阿金Fatih Akin, 沃夫岡.貝克Wolfgang Becker, 塞克.恩德斯 Sylke Enders, 多明力克.加夫Dominik Graf, 克里斯多夫.霍奇豪斯勒Christoph Hochhäusler, 羅穆阿德.卡馬克Romuald Karmakar, 妮可葉特.克雷畢茲Nicolette Krebitz, 丹尼.雷維Dani Levy, 安姬拉.夏娜萊克Angela Schanelec, 漢斯.斯特恩比奇Hans Steinbichler, 伊莎貝拉.斯蒂沃Isabelle Stever, 湯姆.提克威Tom Tykwer, 漢斯.韋恩加特納Hans Weingartner
2009 / Germany / 35mm / Color / 151min
13 Germany’s most acclaimed film directors come together to create Germany 09, a very personal panorama of the social and political situation in their country today. The film comes right in the middle of the social upheaval brought about by “Agenda 2010” on the path to the globalized 21st century, over 60 years after the end of World War II, 40 years after the student uprisings of 1968, 30 years after the 1977’s “German Autumn” and 20 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989.
6/26(五) 中山 14.00 ★(導演或影人出席映前或映後座談)售完!
7/04(六) 新二 13.00 售完!