
★★2009第十一屆台北電影節圓滿落幕!精彩畫面請到相簿瞧一瞧 !(點這邊)★★


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極樂九重天 Cloud 9  trailerbar2.jpg

安卓‧爵森 Andreas Dresen

2008 / Germany / 35mm / Color / 98min

2008 坎城影展一種注目評審團獎 / 2009 德國電影獎最佳導演最佳女演員


She didn't ask for it, but it just happened. There were stealing glances, traction. But this was never supposed to happen. Inge, in her mid-60s, has been married for thirty years and loves her husband. But she is drawn to an older man Karl, already 76. It's passion. It's lust. The forbidden affair makes her feel alive again and revives the young woman in her once more....

6/28(日) 中山 11.00

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《陽台前的夏天》Summer in Berlin  

陽台前的夏天 Summer in Berlin  trailerbar2.jpg

安卓‧爵森 Andreas Dresen

2005 / Germany / 35mm / Color / 107min

2005 芝加哥影展銀雨果獎最佳女主角 / 2006 巴伐利亞電影獎最佳導演


One hot summer. Nike has a balcony, Katrin has a son, Ronald drives a truck, Tina's a waitress, Oskar and Helene are old and alone. At the beginning, middle or end of their lives – they all ask the same question: Can love last through the seasons? Or is it something affecting the brain that just comes and goes? An enchanting comedy, full of human warmth, sincerity and delightful humor - a film about life.

6/27(六) 新二 10.30 ▲(非英語發音且無英文字幕)

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八卦歡樂吧 Grill Point   trailerbar2.jpg

安卓‧爵森 Andreas Dresen

2001 / Germany / 35mm / Color / 105min

2002 柏林影展評審團銀熊獎 / 2002 德國電影獎銀獎 / 2003 巴伐利亞電影節最佳導演、最佳男演員


In East Germany, two friendly couples in their late thirties, are unhappy with nowhere to go. Chris, a radio host, and his wife, Katrin, don't have much in common anymore. Uwe slaves the days away and spends nights in his hot-dog stand, but forgets his wife, Ellen, and their kids. The dreary life accidentally brings Ellen and Chris closer as they are both desperate for change. But they're caught in the act, and as a consequence, everyone is shaken from their stupor.

7/05(日) 中山 11.00

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再見列寧 Good Bye Lenin!  trailerbar2.jpg

沃夫岡‧貝克 Wolfgang Becker

2003 / Germany / 35mm / Color / 118min

2003 柏林影展最佳歐洲電影藍天使獎 / 2003 德國電影獎首獎、觀眾票選獎


October 1989 was a bad time to fall into a coma if you lived in East Germany- and this is precisely what happens to Alex’s mother, an activist for development and social progress in East Germany. Alex faces an awkward situation when his mother suddenly awakens eight months later. Her heart is so weak that any shock might kill her. And what could be more shocking than the fall of the Berlin Wall and the triumph of capitalism in her beloved country?

6/27(六) 新二 15.40 ★(導演或影人出席映前或映後座談)

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沒問題人生 Life is All You Get  trailerbar2.jpg

沃夫岡‧貝克 Wolfgang Becker

1997 / Germany / 35mm / Color / 118min

1997 柏林影展競賽單元 / 1997 德國電影獎銀獎、最佳男演員、最佳女配角


In the midst of confusion, Jan Nebel beats up two police investigators and is joined by Vera, an unknown beauty who runs away with him across the backyards. The next day Jan faces the consequences: he loses his job, is imposed a fine and gets into trouble at home. On the other hand, he has found Vera who turns out to be his dreamgirl. But their fortune is fragile: they are looking for friendship, a piece of luck and for their big love?

6/28(日) 新二 15.10 ★(導演或影人出席映前或映後座談)

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陽光七月天 In July

法提.阿金 Fatih Akin

2000 / Germany / 35mm / Color / 100min

2001 鹿特丹影展 / 2001 柏林影展


Daniel , a shy Hamburg science teacher, meets a beautiful Turkish tourist and determines to follow her to Istanbul. His hapless odyssey is complicated by the irrepressible Juli, who sold him an enchanted ring guaranteed to help him find true love. Daniel embarks on a cross-country trip across Eastern Europe in search of love--with a hitchhiking Juli not far behind.

7/07(二) 中山 16.30

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小偷共犯鐵拳頭 Short Sharp Shock

法提.阿金 Fatih Akin

1997 / Germany / 35mm / Color / 100

1998 盧卡諾影展銅豹獎 / 1998 巴伐利亞影展最佳青年導演 / 1999 柏林影展


A story about love, dreams, honour and death. Bobby, a Serb; Costa, a Greek; Gabriel, a Turk: these three had earlier formed a gang in Hamburg. Bobby decides to join an Albanian gang; Costa decides to join him for one last adventure. And Gabriel, just out of prison, wants to mature and quit his gangster past. But fate takes a turn and Gabriel must complete one last dangerous mission….

7/08(三) 中山 16.30

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完美第二對 Everyone Else

瑪菡.阿德 Maren ADE

2009柏林影展評審團大獎銀熊獎 / 2009柏林影展最佳女演員銀熊獎

2009 / Germany / 35mm / Color / 119min


Chris and Gitti are lost in perfect amorous bliss during their getaway in their Sardinia vacation home. In reality, the two are polar opposites; the confrontation with another couple leads to a turning point in their playful romps. While Chris flourishes in his role as the stronger one of the two, Gitti begins to loosen up in a completely new way. With their newly developed personas, will the young couple get a second chance to discover themselves -- and each other?

6/29(一) 中山 11.00

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解放者得自由2 Liberators Take Liberties (Part 2)

赫克‧桑德爾 Helke SANDER

1992 / Germany / Beta / B&W, Color / 102min

1993紐約人權觀察影展人權貢獻獎 / 1993明斯克女性影展評審團特別獎 / 1995馬德里女性影展特別獎


The second part features the children born of these events. There are reports relating to the behavior of the German Wehrmacht, and official estimations of the number of children begotten by Germans in the occupied zone. The film reports on the medical consequences and how the institutions dealt with rape. Dr. Gerhard Reichling, a statistician and expert on flight and expulsion, draws conclusions from this collected data.

7/02(四) 新三 13.10

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解放者得自由1 Liberators Take Liberties (Part 1)

赫克‧桑德爾 Helke SANDER

1991 / Germany / Beta / B&W, Color / 90min

1993紐約人權觀察影展人權貢獻獎 / 1993明斯克女性影展評審團特別獎 / 1995馬德里女性影展特別獎


Helke Sander's groundbreaking two-part documentary on the crime of rape perpetrated against German women by the Red Army soldiers during the advance on Berlin in 1945. The first part interviews the raped women to speak —often for the first time in their lives—about their experiences of violence and compares the distinctive memories of the men and women involved.

6/29(一) 新三 22.20

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