柏林工人日記 Current Problems: How the Berlin Worker Lives
史拉坦‧杜多 Slatan Dudow
1930 / Germany / 35mm / B&W /12min
It is a silent documentary contrasting the living conditions of Berlin laborers with those enjoying the city's villas. During the period of Weimar Republic (1919~1933), Berlin faced serious inflation problems and a rising unemployment rate. The film portrays the unfavorable living conditions of the working class in East Berlin, with contagious tuberculosis spreading and ailing children distressed. Slatan Dudow’s debut film speaks for the .
同場加映:世界屬於誰? Kuhle Wampe: To Whom Does The World Belong?
1931 / Germany / 35mm / B&W / 76min
1983 柏林影展
Boenicke and his son Franz have both been unemployed for a long time. The working-class family lives in Berlin and is six months behind on the rent. Since the future is uncertain, no help can be expected from social services. Boenicke’s family is compelled to move out of the apartment to a suburban tent camp "Kuhle Wampe" (meaning empty belly), located outside of Berlin on Lake Mueggel. Among the others there with a similar fate, the Boenicke's find a new home. However, other problems arise…
6/30(二) 新二 15.40 ★ ▲
7/09(四) 新二 10.30 ▲