媽咪去洗頭 Mommy is at the Hairdresser's
蕾雅‧普爾 Léa POOL
2008 / Canada / 35mm / Color / 97min
2008 釜山影展 / 2009 鹿特丹影展
It’s summer 1966. Time to enjoy summer vacation, total freedom, running wild in the fields, and crazy giggles with friends. Bust as she becomes more aware of the dreams, Elise sees her mother’s sudden abandonment thoroughly disrupt her family. While her brother, Coco, stubbornly seeks refuge in constructing a super car, the youngest, Benoît, plummets deep into his own internal world, retreating even further in the furnace room. As for her father, he is simply overwhelmed by the situation…
7/02(四) 新二 22.00
7/07(二) 中山 14.00