
《完美生活》Perfect Life 

完美生活 Perfect Life  trailerbar2.jpg

唐曉白 Emily Tang

2008 / China, HK / Digibeta / Color / 97min

2008 威尼斯影展 / 2009 香港電影節亞洲數碼錄像競賽單元金獎 / 2009 鹿特丹影展


Yueying Li, 21, leaves her hometown for a job and a better future. But when she finally steps outside of her closed world, she faces difficulties in life. Yet, she chooses to linger. Jenny as well left her inland country hometown to work. She marries a Hong Kong cook, but wants a divorce when she finally arrives in Hong Kong. These two girls cross their roads at one point in their adventures, but they have absolutely no idea that the other one exists.

7/06() 新三 13.00 (導演或影人出席映前或映後座談)

7/07() 新三 18.30 (導演或影人出席映前或映後座談)





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