

跳格子 Hopscotch

姜秀瓊Chiang Hsiu-chiung

2008 / Taiwan / 35mm / Color / 27min

2008 金馬獎最佳創作短片、最佳新演員獎


Zong makes a living by towing illegally-parked cars. Lian is an art teacher who seems just unable to park her car right. Attracted to Lian, Zong decides to keep parking spaces for her, secretly.


麻糬 Mochi

李中 LEE Chung

2009 / Taiwan / Digibeta / Color / 19min


A moral tale about a young caretaker from Indonesia who tries to convince her needy old Taiwanese client, Mr. Zhao, to let her go home. Soon she realizes there is only one way to be free, and it also comes with a price…


台北異想之煙 Smoke  trailerbar2.jpg

李啟源 Lee Chi-y

2009 / Taiwan / Digibeta / Color / 10min


Gu’s teenaged daughter will be expelled from school. Gu heads to the river bank and finds his daughter smoking. The two really start to fight as the girl refuses to give in her cigarettes. The pair reconcile by sharing a whiff in the end.


《家好月圓》With or Without You 

家好月圓 With or Without You  trailerbar2.jpg

周旭薇 Chou She-wei

2008 / Taiwan / Digibeta / Color / 33min

2009鹿特丹影展 / 2009首爾女性影展亞洲短片競賽評審團大獎


It begins with a funeral of an elderly mother. For nights, the youngest daughter of the family has been dreaming of her dead mother, who expresses her unwillingness to be buried next to her dead husband. The hidden past of the family is finally revealed.




6/27() 新三 19.00 (導演或影人出席映前或映後座談)

7/06() 新三 21.00 (導演或影人出席映前或映後座談)

7/10() 新三 22.20


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