《艾美與亞歌》Aimee and Jaguar    

艾美與亞歌 Aimée and Jaguar  trailerbar2.jpg

馬克斯.法貝爾布克 Max FÄRBERBÖCK

1999 / Germany / 35mm / Color / 124min

1999 柏林影展銀熊獎最佳女主角 / 2000 金球獎最佳外語片提名


Berlin 1943-1944. A love affair between two women blossoms, despite the danger of persecution and nightly bombing raids. One of the women is married and a mother of four children. For her, this will be the most decisive experience in her life. For the other woman, permanently under the threat of persecution because she is Jewish and a member of an underground organization, this love gives her the hope to survive.

7/08(三) 中山 11.00 ▲(非英語發音且無英文字幕)

7/11(六) 中山 19.30 ▲(非英語發音且無英文字幕)



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