德國之秋 Germany in Autumn
亞夫.布魯史特林 Alf Brustellin, 漢斯.彼得‧克魯斯 Hans Peter Cloos, 萊納.韋納.法斯賓達 Rainer Werner Fassbinder, 亞歷山大.克魯格 Alexander Kluge, 麥斯米蘭.邁恩卡 Maximiliane Mainka, 比亞特.邁恩卡‧傑林賀斯 Beate Mainka-Jellinghaus, 艾德.葛萊茲 Edgar Reitz, 卡嘉.盧普Katja Rupé, 沃克.雪朗道夫 Volker Schloendorff, 彼得.舒伯特Peter Schubert, 伯恩哈德.辛格 Bernhard Sinkel
1978 / Germany / 35mm / B&W, Color / 116min
1978 柏林影展競賽單元 / 1978德國電影獎金獎
Germany‘s top directors, including Volker Schlöndorff, joined forces to make this episodic film. Throughout the 70s, the RAF waged a campaign of terror against those in power, and the government‘s escalating efforts to root out the terrorists resulted in a siege by the autumn of 1977. Here is an immediate, impassioned response to the events of that autumn: the RAF murder of industrialist Hanns-Martin Schleyer and the subsequent, highly suspicious deaths of the imprisoned Baader-Meinhof terrorists.
6/26(五) 新二 13.00 ▲
7/01(三) 新二 13.30 ★▲
★(導演或影人出席映前或映後座談) ▲(非英語發音且無英文字幕)