懼乳:傷心的奶水 The Milk of Sorrow
克勞蒂亞‧尤薩 Claudia LLOSA
2009 / Peru, Spain / 35mm / Color / 94min
2009 柏林影展金熊獎、費比西獎 / 2009墨西哥 FICG 電影節最佳拉美電影、最佳女演員
It is a story about re-awakening, a journey from fear to freedom. Fausta suffers from “the milk of sorrow”, an illness transmitted through mother’s milk by women who have been violated during the war of terrorism in Peru. The war has ended, but Fausta lives to remember it because “the illness of fear” stole her soul. Now, her mother’s sudden death forces her to confront her fears and the secret hidden inside of her: she uses a potato to serve as a protective shield.
7/12(日) 中山 19.00 ▲(非英語發音且無英文字幕)售完!