
《山中傳奇》Legend of the Mountain 

山中傳奇 Legend of the Mountain

胡金銓 King HU

1979 / Taiwan / Betacam / Color / 184min

1979 金馬獎最佳劇情片、導演、攝影、美術設計、配樂、錄音


This film is inspired by the supernatural tales in Song Dynasty. A scholar is commissioned to copy some Buddhist scriptures to raise the dead from suffering. He travels to the Western China but is unfortunately tricked by the evil spirits, incarnated as two beautiful women. But which one of them is truly in love with him? Supernatural things happen one after another, and the scholar has no other choice but to seek help from a Taoist priest. A battle between human beings and ghosts thereby begins.

7/03() 新二 13.00 (導演或影人出席映前或映後座談)(非英語發音且無英文字幕)


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