《幸福的彼端》All Around Us 

幸福的彼端 All Around Us  trailerbar2.jpg  

橋口亮輔 Ryosuke Hashiguchi

2008 / Japan / 35mm / Color / 140min

2008 多倫多影展 / 2009 柏林影展 / 2009 日本藍絲帶獎最佳女主角、最佳新人

法庭裡描繪犯人圖像的畫家,每天要面對偵查庭中的無情嫌犯,回到家又得面對精神崩潰的妻子,夫妻兩人歷經彼此的創痛,在相互扶持之中,重燃光明與希望。《20歲的微熱》導演橋口亮輔,結合初登大銀幕的木村多江,與《東京鐵塔:老媽和我,有時還有老爸》作者Lily Franky,以橫跨日本十年間的社會變遷與家庭深情,帶給你前所未有的感動。

Kanao, a courtroom portrait artist, silently observes the highest profile crimes and scandals of the 1990s and the decline of Japanese values. At home in joys of marriage, he quietly observes his wife’s first pregnancy. When their child dies, the couple is shaken by the tragedy but Kanao manages to stand by his wife as she sinks into depression. He calmly guides her towards recovery during this grueling experience. As they endure, hope slowly unfolds and their love story flickers to life once again.

6/30() 中山 19.30 ★ ▲(導演或影人出席映前或映後座談)(非英語發音且無英文字幕)








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