

熱舞夏日 Hot Summer

喬西姆.哈斯勒Joachim HASLER

1968 / Germany / 35mm / Color / 91min

一個陽光燦爛的夏日,12位美眉碰上11位帥哥,俊男美女、燦爛笑容,女孩搔首弄姿,男孩爭風吃醋,在前往波羅的海度假海灘的路上,熱情歌舞、一路歡唱,猶如《火爆浪子》加《柳媚花嬌》。偶像盡出,一部比寶萊塢更殺的東德青春浪漫歌舞靚片,一起來高歌「Hot Summer」!上映當年即創下高度票房,電影原聲帶也在市場賣到缺貨。

While hitchhiking to the Baltic, a group of girls meet a group of boys. They bet on who will get to the Baltic first. When they meet up on a Baltic beach, various encounters and provocations come up. Everybody is intrigued by the “ménage à trois“ between Brit, Wolf and Kai. Provoked by the girls, Brit spends half the night with Wolf in a barn... Nobody knows what happened there. A fight between Kai and Wolf ensues, and Brit almost loses both admirers.

7/01(三) 新三 15.00 ★ ▲

7/05(日) 中山 14.00 ▲




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