
★★2009第十一屆台北電影節圓滿落幕!精彩畫面請到相簿瞧一瞧 !(點這邊)★★


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目前分類:特別放映 (8)

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永久居留導演版 Permanent Residence- Director’s Cut 


2009 / HK / Digibeta / Color / 145min



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戀戀茉莉香 Talentime  trailerbar2.jpg

雅絲敏.阿莫 Yasmin AHMAD

2008 / Malaysia / 35mm / Color / 117min

2009 香港電影節


A Talentime campus competition organized by Cikgu Adibah has matched two hearts - that of Melur, a Malay-mixed girl and an Indian male student, Mahesh. Another of the seven finalists, Melur plays the piano whilst singing with her melodious voice. Likewise, Hafiz is enthralled by his vocalist talent which complements his guitar skills, yet he needs to divide his time between school and mother, who is hospitalized for brain tumor.

6/28() 中山 19.30 (導演或影人出席映前或映後座談)

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《練習曲》Island Etude 

練習曲 Island Etude  trailerbar2.jpg

陳懷恩 En CHEN

2006 / Taiwan / 35mm / Color / 108min

2007 台北電影獎媒體推薦獎


The story is about a hearing-impaired young man who decided to embark on a 7 day round-island bicycle trip all by himself before graduating from college. He starts off from the city Kaohsiung and travels around the Island of Taiwan counter-clock wise. In the 7 short days, he meets 12 fascinating travelers, experiences deep and rich emotions and sees the beautiful shorelines of the Island.

7/06() 新二 10.30 售完!

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《走出寂靜》Beyond Silence 

走出寂靜 Beyond Silence  trailerbar2.jpg

卡洛琳.林克 Caroline Link

1996 / Germany / 35mm / Color / 109min

1997 德國電影獎最佳女演員 / 1997 東京影展最佳影片、最佳劇本 / 1998 奧斯卡最佳外語片提名


Lara’s parents are both deaf. Since little, she has served as a kind of foreign minister for her family, translating and negotiating for them even in the most absurd situations. When Lara receives a clarinet as a gift from her aunt, she begins to discover the wonder of music. Her father observes this development and fears losing his daughter to a world he has no access to. When Lara decides to attend a music conservatory, her difficult and painful process of leaving home begins.

7/01() 新二 10.30

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《東邪西毒終極版》Ashes of Time Redux 

東邪西毒終極版 Ashes of Time Redux  trailerbar2.jpg

王家衛 WONG Kar-wai

2008 / HK / 35mm / Color / 90min

2008 坎城影展 / 2008多倫多影展 / 2009 香港電影節


Ashes of Time is inspired by Louis Cha's novel, The Eagle-Shooting Heroes. It centers on a man named Ouyang Feng. Since the woman he loves rejected him, he has lived in the western desert, hiring skilled swordsmen to carry out contract killings. His wounded heart has made him pitiless and cynical, but his encounters with friends, clients and future enemies make him conscious of his solitude...

6/27() 中山 13.30

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《蝴蝶夫人》Madam Butterfly 

蝴蝶夫人 Madam Butterfly

蔡明亮 Tsai Ming-liang

2008 / France, Taiwan / Digibeta / Color / 35min


Baozhu, a married woman, comes all the way to Kuala Lumpur to meet her secret lover. When she wakes up the next day, the man is gone, leaving her a pile of unpaid bills. She can’t afford to go back home and is forced to search everywhere for her man. Then she fights with him over cell phone in a bustling bus station. No one around her can do anything to help. Only the street music performers can sing to comfort her.

《鏡花水月》Flowers in the mirror, moon in the water 

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《空山靈雨》Raining in the Mountain  

空山靈雨 Raining in the Mountain

胡金銓 King HU

1979 / HK, Taiwan / 35mm / Color / 120min


In the middle of Ming Dynasty, an abbot realizes he’s going to die soon. So he starts to look for his heir among his disciples. However, he chooses an ex-convict Ming Qiu, who has become a Buddhist monk not long ago. Now, Ming Qiu becomes the target of all those who covet for the most well-known Buddhist scripture in the monastery. He takes the responsibility to guard the scripture. At last, he burns it to keep it away from the evil.

6/28() 新二 10.00 ▲

7/09() 新二 13.00

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《山中傳奇》Legend of the Mountain 

山中傳奇 Legend of the Mountain

胡金銓 King HU

1979 / Taiwan / Betacam / Color / 184min

1979 金馬獎最佳劇情片、導演、攝影、美術設計、配樂、錄音


This film is inspired by the supernatural tales in Song Dynasty. A scholar is commissioned to copy some Buddhist scriptures to raise the dead from suffering. He travels to the Western China but is unfortunately tricked by the evil spirits, incarnated as two beautiful women. But which one of them is truly in love with him? Supernatural things happen one after another, and the scholar has no other choice but to seek help from a Taoist priest. A battle between human beings and ghosts thereby begins.

7/03() 新二 13.00 (導演或影人出席映前或映後座談)(非英語發音且無英文字幕)

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