
★★2009第十一屆台北電影節圓滿落幕!精彩畫面請到相簿瞧一瞧 !(點這邊)★★


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目前分類:典藏柏林 (16)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要


解放者得自由2 Liberators Take Liberties (Part 2)

赫克‧桑德爾 Helke SANDER

1992 / Germany / Beta / B&W, Color / 102min

1993紐約人權觀察影展人權貢獻獎 / 1993明斯克女性影展評審團特別獎 / 1995馬德里女性影展特別獎


The second part features the children born of these events. There are reports relating to the behavior of the German Wehrmacht, and official estimations of the number of children begotten by Germans in the occupied zone. The film reports on the medical consequences and how the institutions dealt with rape. Dr. Gerhard Reichling, a statistician and expert on flight and expulsion, draws conclusions from this collected data.

7/02(四) 新三 13.10

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解放者得自由1 Liberators Take Liberties (Part 1)

赫克‧桑德爾 Helke SANDER

1991 / Germany / Beta / B&W, Color / 90min

1993紐約人權觀察影展人權貢獻獎 / 1993明斯克女性影展評審團特別獎 / 1995馬德里女性影展特別獎


Helke Sander's groundbreaking two-part documentary on the crime of rape perpetrated against German women by the Red Army soldiers during the advance on Berlin in 1945. The first part interviews the raped women to speak —often for the first time in their lives—about their experiences of violence and compares the distinctive memories of the men and women involved.

6/29(一) 新三 22.20

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女攝影師,圍牆以西 The All-Round Reduced Personality – Redupers

赫克‧桑德爾 Helke SANDER

1977 / Germany / 35mm / B&W / 98min

1990 柏林影展


Lenin stated that under Communism, every housewife must learn to conduct state affairs. This film asks the question: when should she do so during the course of her fragmented and varied working day? The main character is no housewife but a busy freelance photographer with a child, a boyfriend and artistic ambitions. The film ridicules the socialist ideal of the all-round developed personality and, with a certain amount of humor, answers the question “Why do Women so rarely achieve anything?”

7/04(六) 新二 16.20 ▲(非英語發音且無英文字幕)

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《搖滾東柏林》Sun Alley  

搖滾東柏林 Sun Alley

李安德.豪斯曼 Leander Haussmann

1999 / Germany / 35mm / Color / 90min



Sun Alley paints an amusing picture life of young people in East Berlin in 1973, right on the border between East and West.17-year-old Micha Ehrenreich lives with his parents and sister on the divided street Sun Alley. Micha dreams of becoming a famous pop star one day. He doesn't really care about politics. Nonetheless, he does – like any young and rebellious person – talk of stirring up the entire social structure from the inside…

7/06(一) 中山 14.00

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《艾美與亞歌》Aimee and Jaguar    

艾美與亞歌 Aimée and Jaguar  trailerbar2.jpg

馬克斯.法貝爾布克 Max FÄRBERBÖCK

1999 / Germany / 35mm / Color / 124min

1999 柏林影展銀熊獎最佳女主角 / 2000 金球獎最佳外語片提名


Berlin 1943-1944. A love affair between two women blossoms, despite the danger of persecution and nightly bombing raids. One of the women is married and a mother of four children. For her, this will be the most decisive experience in her life. For the other woman, permanently under the threat of persecution because she is Jewish and a member of an underground organization, this love gives her the hope to survive.

7/08(三) 中山 11.00 ▲(非英語發音且無英文字幕)

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出櫃宣言 Coming Out  trailerbar2.jpg

海納.卡羅 Heiner CAROW

1989 / Germany / 35mm / Color / 112min

1990  柏林影展銀熊獎、泰迪熊獎 / 2006  柏林影展


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冬日再見 After Winter Comes Spring

赫爾克‧米塞維茲 Helke MISSELWITZ

1988 / Germany / 35mm / B&W / 115min

1988 德國萊比錫國際紀錄片電影節銀鴿獎 / 1989, 2009 柏林影展


A journey from the North to the South during the last year of the GDR. Everyone’s wish for change can be felt everywhere. Punk girls, female workers, intellectuals, mothers, young and old women – Helke Misselwitz talks to women about humanity in their county. In every meeting, you feel the mutual sympathy. Sympathy for the strong and self-confident women who point out the dubieties with confidence and for those who are looking for their place in life, struggling with it and working hard.

7/10(五) 新二 13.30 ▲(非英語發音且無英文字幕)

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德國之秋 Germany in Autumn  trailerbar2.jpg

亞夫.布魯史特林 Alf Brustellin, 漢斯.彼得‧克魯斯 Hans Peter Cloos, 萊納.韋納.法斯賓達 Rainer Werner Fassbinder, 亞歷山大.克魯格 Alexander Kluge, 麥斯米蘭.邁恩卡 Maximiliane Mainka, 比亞特.邁恩卡‧傑林賀斯 Beate Mainka-Jellinghaus, 艾德.葛萊茲 Edgar Reitz, 卡嘉.盧普Katja Rupé, 沃克.雪朗道夫 Volker Schloendorff, 彼得.舒伯特Peter Schubert, 伯恩哈德.辛格 Bernhard Sinkel

1978 / Germany / 35mm / B&W, Color / 116min

1978 柏林影展競賽單元 / 1978德國電影獎金獎


Germany‘s top directors, including Volker Schlöndorff, joined forces to make this episodic film. Throughout the 70s, the RAF waged a campaign of terror against those in power, and the government‘s escalating efforts to root out the terrorists resulted in a siege by the autumn of 1977. Here is an immediate, impassioned response to the events of that autumn: the RAF murder of industrialist Hanns-Martin Schleyer and the subsequent, highly suspicious deaths of the imprisoned Baader-Meinhof terrorists.

6/26(五) 新二 13.00 ▲

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第三代 The Third Generation  trailerbar2.jpg

萊納‧韋納‧法斯賓達 Rainer Werner FASSBINDER

1979 / Germany / 16mm / Color / 105min


A group of bored terrorists in Berlin is practicing terrorism without realizing that they are manipulated by an industrialist. A computer combination uses their actions for their own aim. They want to force the government to buy better tracing devices. A black comedy that serves Fassbinder as a description of the psychic constitution of the third generation of RAF-terrorists in 1977, one year after the RAF kidnapping and murder of industrialist Hans-Martin Schleyer.

7/03(五) 新三 11.00

7/04(六) 新三 18.40

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德國,蒼白的母親 Germany, Pale Mother

賀瑪‧桑德斯布拉姆斯 Helma SANDERS-BRAHMS

1979 / Germany / 16mm / Color / 123min

1980 法國克緹爾女性影展大獎 / 1980, 1990 柏林影展


A normal love story - except that it takes place during the Nazi era and into the 50s about a man, a woman, and a child. He is a soldier in the German army. She has to endure the bombings, rape and the privations of post-war years to build up her marriage again - only to break down in the end, like the whole brittle edifice of family bliss for which all three have waited for so long.

7/02(四) 新三 19.00

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熱舞夏日 Hot Summer

喬西姆.哈斯勒Joachim HASLER

1968 / Germany / 35mm / Color / 91min

一個陽光燦爛的夏日,12位美眉碰上11位帥哥,俊男美女、燦爛笑容,女孩搔首弄姿,男孩爭風吃醋,在前往波羅的海度假海灘的路上,熱情歌舞、一路歡唱,猶如《火爆浪子》加《柳媚花嬌》。偶像盡出,一部比寶萊塢更殺的東德青春浪漫歌舞靚片,一起來高歌「Hot Summer」!上映當年即創下高度票房,電影原聲帶也在市場賣到缺貨。

While hitchhiking to the Baltic, a group of girls meet a group of boys. They bet on who will get to the Baltic first. When they meet up on a Baltic beach, various encounters and provocations come up. Everybody is intrigued by the “ménage à trois“ between Brit, Wolf and Kai. Provoked by the girls, Brit spends half the night with Wolf in a barn... Nobody knows what happened there. A fight between Kai and Wolf ensues, and Brit almost loses both admirers.

7/01(三) 新三 15.00 ★ ▲

7/05(日) 中山 14.00 ▲

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《兇手就在你身邊》The Murderers Are Among Us  

兇手就在你身邊 The Murderers Are Among Us

沃夫岡‧史塔特 Wolfgang STAUDTE

1946 / Germany / 35mm / B&W / 88min


In 1945, a surgeon, Dr. Hans Mertens, tries to drown his nightmarish soldier memories in alcohol in the midst of the ruins of Berlin. His life between drunkenness and self pity is interrupted when the real owner of his apartment comes back from a concentration camp. Susanne Wallner, a young painter, gets along with the new situation because she is eager to start a new life…

6/29(一) 新二 19.30 ★ ▲

6/30(二) 新二 21.00 ▲

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橋下戀曲 Under the Bridges

海爾默‧考特納 Helmut KAEUTNER

1944 / Germany / 35mm / B&W / 92min

1946 盧卡諾影展


Hendrik and Willi are the owners of a canal barge. One evening, they spot a girl, Anna, who is apparently about to jump off a bridge. They both run to save her, but are disappointed to find out that she merely throws a note into the river to rid a bad memory. As Anna travels back to Berlin with them, the two friends both fall in love with her. The two men make an agreement with one another: whoever wins Anna must forfeit his claim to the barge.

6/29(一) 新二 21.50 ★ ▲

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穿制服的女孩 Girls in Uniform

萊昂蒂娜‧莎崗 Leontine SAGAN

1931 / Germany / 35mm / B&W / 98min

1932 威尼斯影展


Manuela,14, is sent to an aristocratic girls’ boarding school after her mother’s death. The school is run by an iron-handed headmistress, whose basic principles are discipline, orderliness and abstinence. In these surroundings, Manuela becomes introverted. Her only ray of light is her teacher Elizabeth who shows the girls love and understanding. One day, Manuela declares her love for Elizabeth. The headmistress is scandalized and locks Manuela in the isolation room …

6/28(日) 新二 18.30 ▲

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柏林工人日記 Current Problems: How the Berlin Worker Lives

史拉坦‧杜多 Slatan Dudow

1930 / Germany / 35mm / B&W /12min


It is a silent documentary contrasting the living conditions of Berlin laborers with those enjoying the city's villas. During the period of Weimar Republic (1919~1933), Berlin faced serious inflation problems and a rising unemployment rate. The film portrays the unfavorable living conditions of the working class in East Berlin, with contagious tuberculosis spreading and ailing children distressed. Slatan Dudow’s debut film speaks for the .


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星期天的約會 People on Sunday

羅伯特.西奧德梅克 Robert SIODMAK, 葛特.西奧德梅克 Curt SIODMAK, 愛德嘉.奧爾瑪 Edgar G. ULMER, 佛烈德.辛尼曼 Fred ZINNEMANN

1929 / Germany / 35mm / B&W / 73min

2005 雪梨影展


A tale of five young Berliners - a taxi driver, a traveling wine dealer, a record shop sales girl, a film extra, and a model - spending a typical Sunday together. In this vivid snapshot of Berlin life, a trip to the countryside reveals the flirtations, rivalries, jealousies, and petty irritations common to any group outing. Coincidently, the viewer gains insight into the lives of different residents of the metropole, and follows them through their everyday activities.

6/30(二) 新二 13.30 ★(導演或影人出席映前或映後座談)

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