
★★2009第十一屆台北電影節圓滿落幕!精彩畫面請到相簿瞧一瞧 !(點這邊)★★


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橋下戀曲 Under the Bridges

海爾默‧考特納 Helmut KAEUTNER

1944 / Germany / 35mm / B&W / 92min

1946 盧卡諾影展


Hendrik and Willi are the owners of a canal barge. One evening, they spot a girl, Anna, who is apparently about to jump off a bridge. They both run to save her, but are disappointed to find out that she merely throws a note into the river to rid a bad memory. As Anna travels back to Berlin with them, the two friends both fall in love with her. The two men make an agreement with one another: whoever wins Anna must forfeit his claim to the barge.

6/29(一) 新二 21.50 ★ ▲

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穿制服的女孩 Girls in Uniform

萊昂蒂娜‧莎崗 Leontine SAGAN

1931 / Germany / 35mm / B&W / 98min

1932 威尼斯影展


Manuela,14, is sent to an aristocratic girls’ boarding school after her mother’s death. The school is run by an iron-handed headmistress, whose basic principles are discipline, orderliness and abstinence. In these surroundings, Manuela becomes introverted. Her only ray of light is her teacher Elizabeth who shows the girls love and understanding. One day, Manuela declares her love for Elizabeth. The headmistress is scandalized and locks Manuela in the isolation room …

6/28(日) 新二 18.30 ▲

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柏林工人日記 Current Problems: How the Berlin Worker Lives

史拉坦‧杜多 Slatan Dudow

1930 / Germany / 35mm / B&W /12min


It is a silent documentary contrasting the living conditions of Berlin laborers with those enjoying the city's villas. During the period of Weimar Republic (1919~1933), Berlin faced serious inflation problems and a rising unemployment rate. The film portrays the unfavorable living conditions of the working class in East Berlin, with contagious tuberculosis spreading and ailing children distressed. Slatan Dudow’s debut film speaks for the .


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星期天的約會 People on Sunday

羅伯特.西奧德梅克 Robert SIODMAK, 葛特.西奧德梅克 Curt SIODMAK, 愛德嘉.奧爾瑪 Edgar G. ULMER, 佛烈德.辛尼曼 Fred ZINNEMANN

1929 / Germany / 35mm / B&W / 73min

2005 雪梨影展


A tale of five young Berliners - a taxi driver, a traveling wine dealer, a record shop sales girl, a film extra, and a model - spending a typical Sunday together. In this vivid snapshot of Berlin life, a trip to the countryside reveals the flirtations, rivalries, jealousies, and petty irritations common to any group outing. Coincidently, the viewer gains insight into the lives of different residents of the metropole, and follows them through their everyday activities.

6/30(二) 新二 13.30 ★(導演或影人出席映前或映後座談)

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乳:傷心的奶水 The Milk of Sorrow  trailerbar2.jpg

克勞蒂亞‧尤薩 Claudia LLOSA

2009 / Peru, Spain / 35mm / Color / 94min

2009 柏林影展金熊獎、費比西獎 / 2009墨西哥 FICG 電影節最佳拉美電影、最佳女演員


It is a story about re-awakening, a journey from fear to freedom. Fausta suffers from “the milk of sorrow”, an illness transmitted through mother’s milk by women who have been violated during the war of terrorism in Peru. The war has ended, but Fausta lives to remember it because “the illness of fear” stole her soul. Now, her mother’s sudden death forces her to confront her fears and the secret hidden inside of her: she uses a potato to serve as a protective shield.

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《爸,你好嗎?》How are you, Dad?    

爸...你好嗎? How are you, Dad?  trailerbar2.jpg

張作驥 CHANG Tso-chi

2009 / Taiwan / 35mm / Color / 107min


Dedicated to his father, the director composes ten short stories in How are you, Dad? It portrays ten fathers of distinctive ages from various backgrounds; the hard labor, the war veteran, the young-and-divorced, the vile gangster, the forgotten elderly, the busy celebrity, the retired general and the bankrupt businessman. From the ten relationships between the fathers and their children, we see the warmth and love of all fathers as well as the solitude in their lives.

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德國09 Germany 09  trailerbar2.jpg

法提.阿金Fatih Akin, 沃夫岡.貝克Wolfgang Becker, 塞克.恩德斯 Sylke Enders, 多明力克.加夫Dominik Graf, 克里斯多夫.霍奇豪斯勒Christoph Hochhäusler, 羅穆阿德.卡馬克Romuald Karmakar, 妮可葉特.克雷畢茲Nicolette Krebitz, 丹尼.雷維Dani Levy, 安姬拉.夏娜萊克Angela Schanelec, 漢斯.斯特恩比奇Hans Steinbichler, 伊莎貝拉.斯蒂沃Isabelle Stever, 湯姆.提克威Tom Tykwer, 漢斯.韋恩加特納Hans Weingartner 

2009 / Germany / 35mm / Color / 151min 



13 Germany’s most acclaimed film directors come together to create Germany 09, a very personal panorama of the social and political situation in their country today. The film comes right in the middle of the social upheaval brought about by “Agenda 2010” on the path to the globalized 21st century, over 60 years after the end of World War II, 40 years after the student uprisings of 1968, 30 years after the 1977’s “German Autumn” and 20 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989.

6/26(五) 中山 14.00 ★(導演或影人出席映前或映後座談)售完!

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鄭有傑 CHENG Yu-chieh

2009 / Taiwan / 35mm / Color / 112min

2009 柏林影展 / 2009 香港電影節


“So, you speak French?” Eurasian Yang-Yang has frequently been asked this question ever since she was little. She always answers it with an awkward smile since neither has she met her French birth father nor does she speak any French. She yearns for a family and her dream seems to come true when her mother remarries. Yet this new family turns out to be a disappointment. After that, nothing, not even some temporary passion, can ease her loneliness. Her quest for love is in vain. 

6/26(五) 中山 19.00 ★(導演或影人出席映前或映後座談售完!

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